Company News

Welcome to the Zebraware Blog, we know you don’t care.

Written by Ashok Baker

Published on 14 / 08 / 24

Company News

Welcome to the Zebraware Blog, we know you don’t care.

Written by Ashok Baker

Published on 14 / 08 / 24

We have a blog now. So what?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a company is assuming people care about you. They don’t. They care about the product or service you are providing to them, specifically if it’s meeting their needs and expectations, but about your company itself? No. Which means people don’t want to read your blog.

Be honest, how many blogs do you read from companies of which you’re a customer? Or blogs of companies you have an interest in? Do you even read the company blog of your employer (if you work in the marketing department or actually produce the blog, sorry, your answer doesn’t count and you know why)?

Exactly; you don’t read company blogs. It’s okay, this isn’t LinkedIn, you don’t have to lie here. We’re good.

So what’s the point in us having this blog, or in me writing this post outside of trust me, it will be good for the business, my role definitely deserves to exist. In short, because it’s easy to picture a company as a sentient entity of its own, forgetting that it’s actually just a group of people working towards a common goal.

And we feel like we need to throw a spotlight on our people, especially because we’re a small business and, as much as it sounds like a cliché, every person is vital to us. So this blog is going to be a place to showcase not just what our people do and how they do it, but who they are both in and outside of their working lives.

Half of the Zebraware team on our Summer Social in Liverpool. The other half pictured at the top of this post.

Sure, there will be some general company news about what we’ve achieved and where we’re going, but we want this space to highlight our team. We already know there’s a big fundraising push from one of our engineers which we’ll share with you soon, plus an update from our Managing Director. And there will be much more to follow.

So, hopefully, you’ll join us from time to time. But don’t worry, we know you don’t care. Not really.